Best Money Market Account Rates

| January 26, 2011 | Comments (0)

MMA Rates are comparable to Savings Account rates

Money Market accounts are conservative types accounts, but can be helpful as a source of available cash, while earning a respectable interest rate.  With MMAs, interest rates can be more changeable than other savings accounts.

The returns from MMAs are usually comparable to those from savings accounts.  Like savings accounts though, they can be withdrawn at any time – the consumer is not locked in.

Below are among the best current rates for money market accounts around the country.


Best Rates for Money Market Accounts

InstitutionAPYRateMin. Deposit
Incredible Bank 1.18%1.18%$2,500
Discover Bank 1.00%1.00%$2,500
Nationwide Bank 0.90%0.90%$2,500
First Internet Bank 0.90%0.90%$100
Ally Bank 0.89%0.89%$1
Giant Bank 0.80%0.80%$1,000
EverBank 0.76%0.76%$1,500
Aurora Bank 0.75%0.75%$1,000
Zions Bank 0.75%0.75%$1,000
Bank of Internet USA 0.75%0.75%$1,000

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Category: Checking/Savings Accounts