The White House Breaks Down the U.S. National Debt

| July 26, 2011 | Comments (1)

The White House today posted this new graphic in an effort to show what constitutes the national debt of $14.2 trillion in a not-so-subtle effort to show where the blame for it lies. This comes as both sides in the debt ceiling debate harden their positions.

Who is responsible for our explosion of red ink? Draw your own conclusions.

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Category: News and Opinion

  • Jane Prescott

    OK, Bush is responsible for $7 trillion, Obama’s responsible for 20% of that or $1.4 trillion.  Suddenly, in the eyes of the Tea Party, Obama’s the bad guy.  Actually, he spent $1.2 trillion cleaning up after the planet-destroying Bush.

    Pity Republicans seem to have lost their minds. I think this is just blind racist hatred disguised as politics from the fact that their President has some black Heritage. Nothing to do with policy and clearly nothing to do with common sense.

    Racism was always going to be the death of this country.