Category: Foreign Exchange

Currency Trading Tips For Foreign Exchange Newbies

| November 15, 2011 | Comments (0)
Forex: avoid guaranteed "systems" for trading

Given the wild swings of the stock market, casual investor are increasingly wary about stocks.
Many now consider other options such as currency and commodity trading, both of which can be quite profitable.
Many online services offer currency trading tips to beginners. These tips can be helpful if provided by foreign exchange experts.
However, many tip providers just [...]

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How to Survive the Falling Dollar

| August 24, 2011 | Comments (0)
If you like foreign travel and expensive imports, this will hurt

Traders are eagerly awaiting Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s comments today, which many expect will hint at further quantitative easing.
In quantitative easing, central banks buy financial assets to inject money into the economy. Thus many economists simply call it “printing money” and the result is usually a weakening of the currency.
In support of the faltering economy, [...]

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Putin Calls U.S “Parasites” on the Global Economy

| August 1, 2011 | Comments (0)
Putin's more muscular foreign policy?

After a contentious debate over the debt ceiling and final agreement, the U.S. received an unexpected jab from the Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin.  Putin called the United States a “parasite” that lives off the global economy and that the dollar’s dominance was a threat to financial markets.
In a pre-election speech to the pro-Kremlin youth [...]

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Forex: Dollar Hits a Record Low Against Swiss Franc

| August 1, 2011 | Comments (0)
The long fall of the dollar has begun

A day after agreement was reached on the U.S. debt ceiling, the U.S. dollar reached a new low against the Swiss franc, following concerns that the deal is insufficient to prevent a U.S. credit rating downgrade.
The deal to cut $2.4 trillion from the nation’s budgets over 10 years was far short of the $4 trillion [...]

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